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Master’s project: Evaluating the spatial connectivity of fields und agri-environmental schemes
by Meike Will
Research & Debate
more Master’s project: Evaluating the spatial connectivity of fields und agri-environmental schemes

Internship project: Impact of field characteristics on the allocation of agri-environmental schemes
by Meike Will
Research & Debate

Potential side effects of insurance programs: A summary of recent POLISES research outcomes
by Meike Will
Our Activities, Research & Debate
more Potential side effects of insurance programs: A summary of recent POLISES research outcomes

How can computer models better help policymakers to solve problems in human-environment systems?
by Meike Will
Our Activities, Research & Debate

International Workshop on Social-Ecological Effects of Microinsurance under Climate Change
by Meike Will
Workshops, Our Activities, Research & Debate
more International Workshop on Social-Ecological Effects of Microinsurance under Climate Change

Leverage Points and Transformational Leadership: impressions from Lüneburg
by Gunnar Dreßler
Our Activities, Travel
more Leverage Points and Transformational Leadership: impressions from Lüneburg