Our Blog

POLISES retreat in Dessau

by Jonathan Haag

In July 2024 Birgit, Gunnar, Julia, Kaja and Jonathan went to Dessau-Roßlau for the yearly POLISES retreat... 



Our Activities, Travel


OESA retreat in Dresden

by Jonathan Haag

In June 2024, the entire department for ecological modelling went to Dresden for the yearly OESA retreat... 



Our Activities, Travel


Higrade Conference

by Julia Kunkel

Every year, the UFZ's Graduate School Higrade organises a half-day internal conference at which all third-year PhD students present their current work, and this year it was Julia's turn...



Our Activities, Research & Debate


UFZ-Excursion for Students from BTU Cottbus

by Kaja Alina Jurak

On the 28th of May the second excursion from international students of the BTU Cottbus to the UFZ took place. During their visit...



Workshops, Our Activities, Research & Debate


Polises at Agra

by Julia Kunkel

Every two years Leipzig hosts the Agra, a large agricultural fair for central Germany...



Our Activities, Research & Debate, Travel


InsuranceGrass Retreat in Leipzig

by Julia Kunkel

This year, the InsuranceGrass retreat took place in Leipzig on March 14 and 15...



Workshops, Our Activities, Project News, Travel


UFZ Winter School 2024

by Jonathan Haag

From February 29 to March 09, the department for ecological modelling (OESA) organized the UFZ Winter School 2024 "Introduction to Ecological Modelling"...



Workshops, Our Activities, Research & Debate, Travel


DLG winter conference 2024

by Kaja Alina Jurak

On February 21 Julia and Kaja joined the winter conference of the Deutsche Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft (DLG) which was hosted in Leipzig. The overarching theme of the conference was the interplay of agricultural companies and political regulations.

Our Activities, Research & Debate


POLISES at ECEM-Conference

by Kaja Alina Jurak

From September 4-8 the POLISES working group participated in the 9th European Conference on Ecological Modelling, ECEM 2023...



Workshops, Our Activities, Research & Debate


Visit from students of the BTU Cottbus

by Julia Kunkel

On 9 June, we welcomed 20 international students from BTU Cottbus. As students of the Master's programme "Environmental and Resource Management" or PhD students in this field, they are potential candidates for a career at the UFZ...



Workshops, Our Activities, Research & Debate
